Mailing List Services
A direct mail campaign's success depends on the quality of the mailing list.
Building a targeted list ensures that your message is delivered precisely to the audience you choose. You can target your list to reach residents who are new to the area, or filter a consumer list based on income, home value, gender, age, and many other demographics.
New Homeowner List Subscription
What are the advantages to becoming a subscriber?
  • Be the first to reach a new homeowner
  • Easy monthly or annual subscription - cancel anytime without obligation
  • Target your best geographic areas
  • Convenient email delivery available
  • We'll print labels for just $10
  • Guaranteed 90% accuracy and deliverability
IT'S SIMPLE! Here's how it works:
  1. Choose the zip codes that you want to target for your business.
  2. Each month you'll receive your Mail Made Simple list, which will include the name, address, and home value of all new homeowners or movers that have moved into the zip codes you selected - a different list every month! Click here for a sample list.
  3. Send direct marketing pieces to your list. You can design and create your own marketing piece, or we can do it for you. Visit our design and print center for more information on our high quality design & print services.
PRICING CHART - pricing includes printing, list, postage and mailing
Subscription Type
Up to 5 Zips (min)
Additional Zip Codes
$5 each
$50 each
Sign Up Now!

Consumer Lists

Create your own targeted consumer list! Run live counts based on your customer demographics, order and download immediately. Enjoy one low price for any combination of geographic and demographic selections available.
Choose from the following demographics:
  • Age
  • Presence of Children
  • Dwelling Type
  • Gender
  • Homeowner/Renter
  • Income
  • Home Value
  • Marital Status
Single Use
Delivery Fee
Cost Per Lead
For specialty list requests or to add mailing services to a list purchase please call 1-800-728-0158 or e-mail us at